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How to select Sales Tab in Transaction BP from ABAP

I want to start the transaction BP with the "Sales"(Vertrieb) View, but my code below just opens the default starting Page:

enter image description here

Do I need a subheader-ID? If yes, how do I find it? If no, what else? I'm getting crazy on this, because I don't find much for this, not even in our Systems.

That's my code so far:

METHOD open_bupa.
  DATA(request) = NEW cl_bupa_navigation_request( ).
  request->set_partner_number( i_bupa ).
  request->set_bupa_activity( request->gc_activity_display ).
  request->set_maintenance_id( request->gc_maintenance_id_partner ).
  request->set_bupa_partner_role( VALUE #( role = 'ZDEB' bpview = 'ZDEB' ) ).

  DATA(options) = NEW cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options( ).
  options->set_locator_visible( abap_false ).
  SET PARAMETER ID: 'VKO' FIELD i_current_row-sales_org,
                    'VTW' FIELD i_current_row-distribution_channel,
                    'SPA' FIELD i_current_row-sector.
        iv_request              = request
        iv_options              = options
        iv_in_new_internal_mode = abap_false
        iv_in_new_window        = abap_false
        already_started         = 1
        not_allowed             = 2
        OTHERS                  = 3
  IF sy-subrc = 2.
    MESSAGE i011.


  • Found it.

    SPRO -> IMG -> Cross-Application Components -> SAP Business Partner -> Business Partner -> Basic Settings -> Business Partner Roles -> Define BP Roles

    For the Roles.

    Transaction BUSD for the ID: Mark the corresponding role and click on Sub-Header-ID on the left