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Why is my room database data non persistent?

I have an android app that uses room database and dagger. I tried all the answers I found on the internet, and this is my last resort as I'm on the week 2 of solving this problem.

My Setup:

@Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
    fun inject(baseViewModel: BaseViewModel)

@Database(entities = [
], version = 1, exportSchema = true)

abstract class AppDB : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun userRepository(): IUserRepository

    companion object{

        private var db_instance: AppDB? = null

        fun getAppDBInstance(context : Context): AppDB {

            return db_instance ?: synchronized(this) {
                val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
                db_instance = instance



class MyApp: Application() {

    private lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent

    override fun onCreate() {
        appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(AppModule(this)).build()

    fun getAppComponent(): AppComponent {
        return appComponent

class AppModule(private val application: Application) {

    fun getUserRepo(appDB: AppDB): IUserRepository {
        return appDB.userRepository()

    fun getRoomDBInstance(context: Context): AppDB {
        return AppDB.getAppDBInstance(context)

    fun provideAppContext(): Context {
        return application.applicationContext


And in my Manifest, I added this:


I have normal transaction when the phone is disconnected from the debugger. and also I can see the databases and data when Im debugging. but my problem is when I hit debug again, all the data are gone and I have to repopulate all the test data again.

is there something wrong with my configurations?

by the way this is how I inject my repositories:

open class BaseViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {

    @Inject lateinit var userRepository: IUserRepository

    init {
        (application as MyApp).getAppComponent().inject(this)
        sharedUserId = sharedPrefs.getInt("userId",0)
        sharedCompanyId = sharedPrefs.getInt("companyId",0)
        sharedRoleId = sharedPrefs.getInt("roleId",0)
        sharedFullName = sharedPrefs.getString("fullName","")
        sharedApiToken = sharedPrefs.getString("apiToken","")


Thanks in advance.


  • Okay, so this is a rookie mistake.

    I have 'Clear app storage before deployment' option ticked. It needs to be unticked to prevent android studio from clearing apps storage.

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