Search code examples

how to calculate the amount?

In postgresql using query

            1 AS depth,
            ARRAY[lvl] AS child_path
        FROM types_of_work
        WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND project_id = 14

        UNION ALL
            nlevel(r.path) + 1,
            r.child_path || n.lvl
        FROM rel_rec AS r
        JOIN types_of_work AS n ON n.parent_id = r.tow_id
        WHERE r.project_id = 14
FROM rel_rec t0
    FROM tows_contract
    WHERE contract_id = 10
) AS t2 ON t0.tow_id = t2.tow_id
ORDER BY t0.child_path, t0.lvl;

we get a table

tow_id integer path ltree child_path smallint[] lvl smallint parent_id integer depth integer cost numeric CUMULATIVE_COST
39 root {1} 1 null 1 ∑ 90
40 root.39 {1,2} 2 39 2 10
131 root.39 {1,3} 3 39 2 10
41 root.39 {1,4} 4 39 2 10
46 root.39 {1,5} 5 39 2 ∑ 60
47 root.39.46 {1,5,6} 6 46 3 ∑ 30
48 root.39.46.47 {1,5,6,7} 7 47 4 ∑ 10
134 root. {1,5,6,7,8} 8 48 5 10
49 root.39.46.47 {1,5,6,9} 9 47 4 10
125 root.39.46.47 {1,5,6,10} 10 47 4 10
132 root.39.46 {1,5,11} 11 46 3 ∑ 20
133 root.39.46.132 {1,5,11,12} 12 132 4 10
135 root.39.46.132 {1,5,11,13} 13 132 4 10
136 root.39.46 {1,5,14} 14 46 3 ∑ 10
657 root.39.46.136 {1,5,14,15} 15 136 4 10
142 root {16} 16 null 1 ∑ 30
143 root.142 {16,17} 17 142 2 ∑ 30
178 root.142.143 {16,17,18} 18 143 3 10
146 root.142.143 {16,17,19} 19 143 3 10
147 root.142.143 {16,17,20} 20 143 3 10
42 root {21} 21 null 1 ∑ 10
43 root.39.42 {21,22} 22 42 2 ∑ 10
45 root.39.42.43 {21,22,23} 23 43 3 ∑ 10
671 root. {21,22,23,24} 24 45 4 ∑ 10
672 root. {21,22,23,24,25} 25 671 5 10

How to add the calculated sum of the costs of all nested children to this table? An example of this sum is the CUMULATIVE_COST column. The table presented is a tree system. The depth column shows the nesting level The parent_id column shows the tow_id of the parent entity

minimal, reproducible example:

CREATE TABLE types_of_work (
    tow_id integer,
    path ltree,
    lvl integer,
    project_id integer,
    parent_id  integer
CREATE TABLE tows_contract (
    tow_id integer,
    cost integer,
    contract_id integer

INSERT INTO types_of_work (tow_id, path, project_id, lvl, parent_id)
    VALUES (39, 'root', 14, 1, null),
    VALUES (40, 'root.39', 14, 2, 39),
    VALUES (131, 'root.39', 14, 3, 39),
    VALUES (41, 'root.39', 14, 5, 39),
    VALUES (46, 'root.39', 14, 5, 39),
    VALUES (47, 'root.39.46', 14, 6, 46),
    VALUES (48, 'root.39.46.47', 14, 7, 47),
    VALUES (134, 'root.',  14, 8, 48),
    VALUES (49, 'root.39.46.47', 14, 9, 47),
    VALUES (125, 'root.39.46.47', 14, 10, 47),
    VALUES (132, 'root.39.46', 14, 11, 46),
    VALUES (133, 'root.39.46.132', 14, 12, 132),
    VALUES (135, 'root.39.46.132', 14, 13, 132),
    VALUES (136, 'root.39.46', 14, 14, 46),
    VALUES (657, 'root.39.46.132', 14, 15, 136),
    VALUES (142, 'root', 14, 16, null),
    VALUES (143, 'root.142', 14, 17, 142),
    VALUES (178, 'root.142.143', 14, 18, 143),
    VALUES (146, 'root.142.143', 14, 19, 143),
    VALUES (147, 'root.142.143', 14, 20, 143),
    VALUES (42, 'root', 14, 21, null),
    VALUES (43, 'root.42', 14, 22, 42),
    VALUES (45, 'root.42.43',  14, 23, 43),
    VALUES (671, 'root.42.43.45', 14, 24, 45),
    VALUES (672, 'root.', 14, 25, 671)
INSERT INTO tows_contract (tow_id, cost, contract_id)
    VALUES (40, 10, 10),
    VALUES (131, 10, 10),
    VALUES (41, 10, 10),
    VALUES (134, 10, 10),
    VALUES (49, 10, 10),
    VALUES (125, 10, 10),
    VALUES (133, 10, 10),
    VALUES (135, 10, 10),
    VALUES (657, 10, 10),
    VALUES (178, 10, 10),
    VALUES (146, 10, 10),
    VALUES (147, 10, 10),
    VALUES (672, 10, 10)

as an option, you need to sum up the cost of all the following lines, while these lines have a greater depth value than the current one


  • Join the table back to itself with the LTREE ancestor operator, <@

    with costs as (
      select t.*, c.cost, c.contract_id, t.path||t.tow_id::text as fullpath
        from types_of_work t
             left join tows_contract c on c.tow_id = t.tow_id
    select l.*, sum(r.cost) as cumulative_cost
      from costs l
           join costs r on r.fullpath <@ l.fullpath
     group by l.tow_id, l.path, l.fullpath, l.project_id, l.lvl, l.parent_id, 
              l.cost, l.contract_id
     order by l.path;

    Working fiddle