I am trying to plot a correlation matrix using the ggpairs
function in the GGally
R package. By default it displays the correlation coefficient in digits and adds stars next to it to represent the p-value. However I would like to have the correlation coefficient and the p-value both in digits upto two decimals, one below the other.
e.g. r = 0.84
p = 0.01
Here's the data:
> dput(df)
structure(list(A = c(7.4434, 8.1305, 8.8554, 7.6841, 6.9656,
8.2225, 7.7836, 6.8234, 8.6265, 8.3475, 8.1828), B = c(5.4939,
6.8466, 6.796, 6.2022, 5.0935, 7.0202, 5.4479, 4.9634, 6.6522,
6.451, 7.3865), C = c(10.1219, 10.863, 10.6, 10.7336, 9.8241,
10.6802, 10.2687, 9.2575, 10.581, 10.7611, 10.6775), D = c(6.3524,
4.5371, 3.4795, 3.8661, 7.5537, 3.7855, 4.3958, 8.1428, 3.7458,
4.1419, 3.6338)), row.names = c(NA, -11L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
and this is what I have tried so far:
ggpairs(data = df,
upper = list(continuous = wrap("cor", method = "pearson", size = 6, color = "black")),
lower = list(continuous = wrap("smooth", color = "firebrick")),
diag = list(continuous = wrap("densityDiag", fill = "slategray3")))
One option to achieve your desired result would be to use a customized function for which I adapted the source code of ggally_cor
my_ggally_cor <- function(data,
...) {
args <- list(...)
title = NULL,
sep = NULL,
text_fn = function(x, y) {
corObj <- stats::cor.test(x, y,
method = args$method,
use = args$use
cor_est <- as.numeric(corObj$estimate)
p_est <- as.numeric(corObj$p.value)
cor_txt <- formatC(cor_est, digits = args$digits, format = "f")
p_txt <- formatC(p_est, digits = args$digits, format = "f")
paste0("r = ", cor_txt, "\n", "p = ", p_txt)
data = df,
upper = list(continuous = wrap(
method = "pearson", digits = 2,
size = 6, color = "black"
lower = list(continuous = wrap("smooth", color = "firebrick")),
diag = list(continuous = wrap("densityDiag", fill = "slategray3"))