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Does using a transaction for read queries provide benefits under Read Committed Isolation Level in PostgreSQL?

I'm using Prisma with PostgreSQL. As I read about the transaction isolations in PostgreSQL, I wondered if I am using transactions without any benefits or if I understood the subject correctly.

async getProductCounts(categoryIds: string[]): Promise<any> {
  const stats = await this.prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
    const productsWithPrice = await tx.product.findMany({
      where: {
        categoryId: {
          in: categoryIds,
        price: {
          not: null,

    const productsWithoutPrice = await tx.product.findMany({
      where: {
        categoryId: {
          in: categoryIds,
        price: null,

    return {

  return stats;

Given that the Read Committed isolation level is used, does wrapping these read-only findMany operations in a transaction provide any benefits?

I understand that Read Committed will make the 2 read queries see different snapshots anyways, so why would one use transaction here?

I am asking this to understand the transaction subject in PostgreSQL better.

Would this be any different if the second query was an update? Thank you for your answers.


  • There is no good reasons to put two read-only statements in a single transaction on the read committed isolation level.

    If only the second statement modifies data, there is still no good reason.