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How to join 2 collections with array of string object ID mongodb

I have a collection called store

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "64f885a4758688440f24d070"
  "name": "Test Location",
  "Tags": [
  "updatedAt": {
    "$date": "2024-07-23T22:30:38.454Z"

And I have a Tag collection

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "66249849f94df523bfb6324d"
  "name": "Night",

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "6624984ff94df523bfb6324e"
  "name": "Bar",

I would like to join 2 collections with tag ids to something like

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "64f885a4758688440f24d070"
  "name": "Test Location",
  "Tags": [
  "TagResult": [
     {"name": "Night"},
     {"name": "Bar"},

Any help is appreciated.


  • You probably had a failed attempt with $lookup since you have a mismatch in the datatypes of the 2 collections. (i.e. string vs ObjectId). You need to convert them to same datatype to perform the $lookup.[
        "$set": {
          "Tags": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$Tags",
              "as": "t",
              "in": {
                "$toObjectId": "$$t"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "tag",
          "localField": "Tags",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          "as": "TagResult"

    Mongo Playground

    Side note: if possible, refactor the schema to store the ids in the same datatype(i.e. either both ObjectIds or both strings) so you don't have to do the type conversion at run time.