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Cannot Return A Value From Iterator C#

I am attempting to return an Enumerable value with an asynchronous function.

I'm having a problem converting the returned data type value to the "main" method, because there is an asynchronous call made within it. I keep implementing the changes recommended and what I read online, but everytime I make a change Visual Studio doesn't like something else I've done, and then I have to go back.

The error is on the "ListOfLambdas" function. Specifically, it is on the "yield return" line. The Error number is [CS0029][1]

What are you looking to do? I'm looking to capture a list/iterable value that I can then pass around and do other work on.

public void FunctionHandler()

    IAsyncEnumerable<AWSLambda> returnedListOfLambdas = ListOfLambdas();

private async IAsyncEnumerable<AWSLambda> ListOfLambdas()
    //Instantiating Client:
    var lambdaClient = new AmazonLambdaClient();
    //Instantiating New Lambda List:
    List<AWSLambda> list = null;
    //Getting List
    var response = await lambdaClient.ListFunctionsAsync();
    response.Functions.ForEach(function =>
        AWSLambda aWSLambda = MapLambda(function);
        if(list == null)
            list = new List<AWSLambda>();
    yield return list; //Here is our error.

private static AWSLambda MapLambda(FunctionConfiguration function)
    AWSLambda lambdaToBeAdded = new AWSLambda();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionName = function.FunctionName.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionARN = function.FunctionArn.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionDescription = function.FunctionName.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionRunTime = function.Runtime.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionMemorySize = function.MemorySize.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionTimeout = function.Timeout.ToString();
    lambdaToBeAdded.FunctionHandler = function.Handler.ToString();
    return lambdaToBeAdded;

The error that I am getting is specifically, "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<saveFileS3.AWSLambda> to 'saveFileS3.AWSLambda'

But this seems strange to me. I think it is rather clear that the 'list' variable is not that data type. What am I missing? [1]:


  • List<AWSLambda> list = null; is exactly System.Collections.Generic.List<saveFileS3.AWSLambda>, hence why the compiler is complaining when you're trying to return AWSLambda.

    You need a foreach with a nested yield return:

    foreach (var lambda in list)
        yield return lambda;

    Ideally, you'd rewrite as such:

    private async IAsyncEnumerable<AWSLambda> ListOfLambdas()
        using (var lambdaClient = new AmazonLambdaClient())
            var response = await lambdaClient.ListFunctionsAsync();
            foreach (var function in response.Functions)
                yield return MapLambda(function);

    Note that AmazonLambdaClient implements IDisposable so it should be disposed when you're finished with it.