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Module imported into different scopes, do they both refer to the same object?

At the Spyder console (the REPL), I issue import matplotlib.pyplot as plt. It is the topmost namespace, i.e., corresponding to globals().

In a Spyder startup file, I define a function to raise figure windows to the top.

def TKraiseCFG( FigID = None ):

   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

   # The rest is just context
   # Assigning to plt unnecessary if
   # imported plt is same object as in
   # caller's scope
   plt = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals['plt'] # plt=globals()['plt']
   if FigID is not None: plt.figure( FigID )
   cfm = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
   cfm.window.attributes('-topmost', True)
   cfm.window.attributes('-topmost', False)
   return cfm

Does the plt in TKraiseCFG() refer to the same object as plt at the REPL?

Further context (not the main question): I can't imagine a console/REPL (or even multiple consoles) using more than one matplotlib.pyplot. But I'm just getting to know Python, so I could be wrong. For the case of a single common matplotlib.pyplot, however, I'm seeking a way to have it accessible to all scopes so that I can write convenience/utility functions like TKraiseCFG() (which is just cobbled together after reading various pages, weeks ago). Unfortunately, my current method requires that code invoking TKraiseCFG() contain a variable specifically named plt referencing matplotlib.pyplot.


  • Does the plt in TKraiseCFG() refer to the same object as plt at the REPL?

    Yes it is the same object. Although I couldn't find matplotlib documentation that states this clearly.

    You can test that the plt objects point to the same instance with the is operator like this:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def test_plt_equivalence():
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt2  
        print(plt2 is plt) # This will print True if plt and plt2 are the same object