I have 2 D matrix type in my VHDL code with all elements being "real" type.
Something like this:
type type1 is array (1 to 50,1 to 50) of real;
Now I want to write this whole matrix into a text file.Each row should be written in a line separated by a comma How can I do that?
I looked into the textio package, but not sure how to use them for the real data type.
Is there any custom package for this?
Start using textio
use textio.all;
a couple of useful variables:
variable s : line;
file output : text;
the main code goes something like this:
for y in image1'range(2) loop
for x in image1'range(1) loop
end loop;
end loop;
I'll leave you to add in your comma delimiters and any header/footer you need.