I have an azure-pipeline.yml
file that extends to another template (called build-and-deploy.yml
) in a different repo, which in turn refers to 3 different yml templates (called 0.yml
, 1.yml
and 2.yml
), in the same repo.
The issue is that azure-pipeline.yml
passes a list of build jobs (among other things) listed in a pipeline/build.yml
file to build-and-deploy.yml
as a parameter, which is in turn passed to one of 0.yml
, 1.yml
or 2.yml
depending on some condition.
Now, azure-pipeline.yml
is in repoA
and build-and-deploy.yml
, along with 0.yml
, 1.yml
and 2.yml
in demo
For some reason, 0/1/2.yml
is looking for pipeline/build.yml
in its own repo (demo
) and not in repoA
. Now I know I can checkout repoA
in build-and-deploy.yml
, but the repo demo
is used by other repos too (like repoB
, repoC
etc - not in context here), so I cannot hardcode it here.
Any suggestions?
- name: allowDevDeployment
displayName: "Allow this build to be deployed to DEV"
type: boolean
default: false
- name: selectDeploymentType
displayName: Select deployment type
type: string
default: 0
- 0 # (Standard/regular deployment)
- 1 #(Single branch; master deploys to DEV -> DEVTEST -> STAGE -> PROD)
- 2 # (develop to DEV -> Auto PR to master -> DEVTEST -> STAGE -> PROD)
template: templates/build-and-deploy.yml@demo
allowDevDeployment: ${{ parameters.allowDevDeployment }}
deploymentType: ${{ parameters.selectDeploymentType}}
helmVersion: 3.12.3
- template: pipeline/build.yml
- template: pipeline/static-scans.yml
in build-and-deploy.yml:
- name: deploymentType
type: string
default: none
- ${{ if eq(parameters.deploymentType, 0)}}:
- template: deploymentTypes/0.yml
allowDevDeployment: ${{ parameters.allowDevDeployment }}
- ${{ if eq(parameters.deploymentType, 1)}}:
- template: deploymentTypes/1.yml
allowDevDeployment: ${{ parameters.allowDevDeployment }}
- ${{ if eq(parameters.deploymentType, 2)}}:
- template: deploymentTypes/2.yml
allowDevDeployment: ${{ parameters.allowDevDeployment }}
in 0.yml:
- name: allowDevDeployment
type: boolean
default: false
- ${{ if gt(length(parameters.buildJobs), 0) }}:
- stage: Build
- ${{ each job in parameters.buildJobs }}:
- ${{ if startsWith(job.pool.vmImage, 'ubuntu') }}:
- job: ${{ job.job }}
pool: ${{ job.pool }}
${{ if job.condition }}:
condition: ${{ job.condition }}
# Develop, Nightly or Support Branch
- ${{ if or(in(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'develop', 'nightly'), contains(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], '/support/'), eq(parameters.allowDevDeployment, true)) }}:
- ${{ if gt(length(parameters.devJobs), 0) }}:
- stage: Dev
# Develop or Support Branch
- ${{ if or(eq(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'develop'), contains(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], '/support/')) }}:
- ${{ if gt(length(parameters.devTestJobs), 0) }}:
- stage: DevTest
${{ if ne(parameters.devTestStageLabel, 'none') }}:
displayName: ${{ parameters.devTestStageLabel }}
This is continued from Trouble with Azure Pipelines in defining stages and branches.
You can use @self
to refer to templates in the current repository:
template: templates/build-and-deploy.yml@demo # <----------------- reference template from repository 'demo'
allowDevDeployment: ${{ parameters.allowDevDeployment }}
deploymentType: ${{ parameters.selectDeploymentType}}
helmVersion: 3.12.3
- template: pipeline/build.yml@self # <----------------- reference template from current repository
- template: pipeline/static-scans.yml@self # <----------------- reference template from current repository