I try to define the std::function template arguments of a class member based on a std::conditional_t
template <class T, size_t N = 1>
class MyClass {
static_assert( (N > 0), "0 or less feature element isn't allowed");
typedef std::conditional_t<(N == 1), void, uint32_t> index_t;
std::function<T(index_t)> fRead;
template <typename U = T>
std::enable_if_t<(N==1), U> getData()
{ return fRead(); }
template <typename U = T>
std::enable_if_t<(N>1), U> getData(uint32_t index)
if (index >= N) {
throw std::out_of_range ("Index is out of range!");
return fRead(index);
The fRead
type should be std::function<T(void)> fRead;
if N==1 and std::function<T(uint32_t)> fRead;
if N>1.
Unfortunately I got the compiler error: error: invalid parameter type ‘std::conditional<true, void, unsigned int>::type’ {aka ‘void’}
The fRead member is initialized with a lambda function (which is not shown in this snipped).
I found some information that void
is not a valid type which is not allowed to be used as template argument with std::conditional_t
. But unfortunately I don't know how to solve this issue.
as a parameter to conditional_t
works fine in principle, you just have to consider where you end up using it.
In this case you use it to form function<T(void)>
which is invalid.
An alternative might be:
using ReadFunction = std::conditional_t<(N == 1), std::function<T()>, std::function<T(uint32_t)>>;
ReadFunction fRead;