For a function I want to utilize the documentation states that I need to create a vector of 2 elements.
df <- data.frame(
Genus = c("Panthera", "Quercus", "Rosa", "Acer", "Canis"),
Species = c("leo", "robur", "rubiginosa", "saccharum", "lupus"),
Common_Name = c("Lion", "English Oak", "Rusty Rose", "Sugar Maple", "Wolf"),
Latitude = c(1.2921, 51.5074, 48.8566, 45.4215, 37.7749),
Longitude = c(36.8219, -0.1278, 2.3522, -75.6972, -122.4194)
I tried:
latlong<- c(df$Latitude,df$Longitude)
However that just gives me one long vector and I need vector pairs.
I also tried:
latlong<- c("Latitude","Longitude")
however that just gives me a string of 2 characters.
Its probably an easy solution but I don't know how to go about accomplishing it.
Edit: The documentation can be found here:
The function I am specifically looking at is bandit.
In terms of "a vector of two elements", I'm unsure what the output should look like those are just the exact words in the documentation.
I just tried:
df[,c("Latitude", "Longitude")]
which I thought was what I needed but it returned the following error:
Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'
In which I attempted to use as.vector() and recieved the same error
The xy
param is described in the linked documentation as:
A vector of two elements, specifying the name or numeric position of columns in dat containing coordinates, e.g. longitude and latitude
One example in the documentation is:
obs <- data.frame(x, y, sp)
sdSumry(obs, xy = c('x','y'), ...
Given the names in your frame, I suspect that:
xy = c('Latitude', 'Longitude')
is what's expected here.