I want to convert milliseconds values in my data to minutes and seconds (in the format MM:SS e.g. a value of 1772094 should become 29:32).
The toy data looks like this:
df <- data.frame(
ID = c("ID1", "ID2", "ID3"),
duration = c(1723456, 1834537, 1945678)
The output I want is:
id | duration |
ID1 | 28:43 |
ID2 | 30:35 |
ID3 | 32:26 |
I have gotten close but not perfect with the below code.
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(duration_ms = seconds_to_period(duration/1000)) %>%
mutate(duration_ms = hms::hms(duration_ms))
I divide my millisecond values by a thousand to turn them into seconds so they can be used by the seconds_to_period()
function in lubridate
and then format them with hms
But it's currently HH:MM:SS with the seconds having decimal places (not rounded).
How do I turn millisecond values into minutes and seconds values in the format MM:SS in R?
You can simply round()
when you divide duration
by 1000:
df %>%
mutate(duration_ms = seconds_to_period(round(duration / 1000))) %>%
mutate(duration_ms = hms::hms(duration_ms))
# ID duration duration_ms
# 1 ID1 1723456 00:28:43
# 2 ID2 1834537 00:30:35
# 3 ID3 1945678 00:32:26
Note that rounding means that your second example, which is in fact 00:30:34.537
seconds, becomes 00:30:35
. If you prefer to always round down you can use floor()
df %>%
mutate(duration_ms = seconds_to_period(floor(duration / 1000))) %>%
mutate(duration_ms = hms::hms(duration_ms))
# ID duration duration_ms
# 1 ID1 1723456 00:28:43
# 2 ID2 1834537 00:30:34
# 3 ID3 1945678 00:32:25