I am using the following code in Robot framework in Python
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Test Template Create New Guest of Specified Type
*** Test Cases ***
Verify creation of new guest of type Today
guest_details = &{TodayGuestDetails} schedule_type = Today guest_type = Visitor
*** Keywords ***
Create New Guest of Specified Type
[Arguments] ${guest_details}=guest_details ${schedule_type}=schedule_type ${guest_type}=guest_type
Fill Guest Details ${guest_details}
*** Variables ***
&{TodayGuestDetails} firstname=Test lastname=Guest [email protected]
What is wrong with the above code? I am getting error Resolving variable '${guest_details = {'firstname': 'Test', 'lastname': 'Guest', 'email': '[email protected]'}}' failed: Variable '${guest_details }' not found.
The guest_details were getting stored inside a dictionary, so I had to do this
*** Test Cases ***
Verify creation of new guest of type Today
schedule_type = Today guest_type = Visitor guest_details = &{TodayGuestDetails}
*** Keywords ***
Create New Guest of Specified Type
[Arguments] ${schedule_type} ${guest_type} &{dict}
Set Suite Variable ${guest_details} ${dict["guest_details"]}
Fill Guest Details ${guest_details}