I have a svg file and want to render it. Then i want to interact with it. Make certain elements invisible or clickable.
fn SvgRender() -> Element {
const svg_file: manganis::ImageAsset = manganis::mg!(image("/static/file.svg"));
rsx! {
div {
img {
src: "{svg_file}"
I get the following error:
024-07-19T16:30:46.265425Z ERROR manganis_cli_support::manifest: Failed to copy static asset: The image format could not be determined
2024-07-19T16:30:48.961980Z ERROR manganis_cli_support::manifest: Failed to copy static asset: The image format could not be determined
2024-07-19T16:30:48.962471Z ERROR dioxus_cli::server: Other(The image format could not be determined)
What am i doing wrong? It works with png files.
You can include the svg as a file instead of an image. Manganis doesn't svgs as images yet (although it is something we would like to support in the future):
use dioxus::prelude::*;
fn main(){
fn app() -> Element {
const SVG: &str = manganis::mg!(file("https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/America_Online_logo.svg"));
rsx! {
img {
src: SVG