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How to set up Bun to compile and bundle the TypeScript files in a directory

I have a project that I need to use Bun to bundle up the TypeScript of the web page. I don't know if I should bundle the HTML pages or the TypeScript files.

Here are my bun.js settings:

import html from 'bun-plugin-html';

  entrypoints: ['./public/page1.html', './public/page2.html', './public/page3.html'],
  sourcemap: "inline",
  outdir: './public',
  plugins: [

The problem with the above is that the HTML pages are overwritten. In each page is the script:

<script type="module" src="index.ts">

When I run bun run start that web page changes that line to point to the JavaScript file:

<script type="module" src="index.js">

I'd like to keep everything in the same directory. I could rename the public directory to source and then export to public but then, what I'm trying to do is bundle the TypeScript files themselves and I could leave the HTML pages alone if that makes sense.

So could I point to the TypeScript files in those HTML pages and then created the bundled JavaScript files? Does that make sense?

Here is my bun.js settings:

// point to typescript files and leave the html pages out of it

  entrypoints: ['./public/page1.ts', './public/page2.ts', './public/page3.ts'],
  sourcemap: "inline",
  outdir: './public',

Is that possible?


  • Here's what I found for building all Typescript or Typescript in HTML files in a directory

    • Install bun (
    • open a folder or project in vscode
    • open a terminal in your project
    • call bun add -d bun-plugin-html if you want to bundle typescript in html pages
    • optionally import other existing modules with bun install (or npm install)
    • create with the contents below
    • call bun to build and bundle the typescript (See contents of file)

    Your typescript classes will be compiled into a javascript file that bundles all of your typescript. (See

    // note: you could also pass in one or all of the HTML files
    // but if you do that the HTML file might be over written
    // to fix that, set an output directory in the options 
    import html from 'bun-plugin-html';
    import { Glob } from "bun";
    // read in all the typescript files in the /public directory
    // (or the directory where your typescript files are located)
    // and compile them into builded javascript files in the same directory
    // using the same name as the typescript file but with a js extension
    // your HTML pages should reference the javascript file 
    // unless you are compiling the HTML files
    const sourceDirectory = "./public/";
    const glob = new Glob('*.ts');
    var entrypoints = [...glob.scanSync(sourceDirectory)];
    entrypoints = => sourceDirectory + x);
    console.log("Compiling " + entrypoints.length + " typescript files...");
    const results = await{
      entrypoints: entrypoints,
      publicPath: "",
      sourcemap: "inline",
      outdir: './',
      plugins: [
    if (results.success==false) {
      console.error("Build failed");
      for (const message of results.logs) {
    else {
      console.log("Compiled " + results.outputs.length + " javascript files...");