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python copy excel conserving exactly the same parameters in the doc (style, cells size and fusion, borders...)

I am looking for a method to copy and excel in an other file. I have a 'file_1.xlsx', and I would like a 'file_1_copy.xlsx' that is not existing. The copy has to be exactly the same that the original file, it means the cells size, their fusion, the color of the text in the cells, the background, if there are borders, as if I did a copy of the doc with the right click.

I have that :

import openpyxl
from openpyxl.styles import Font

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('test excel.xlsx')
ws =

new_wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
new_ws =

for row in ws.iter_rows():
    for cell in row:
        new_cell = new_ws.cell(row=cell.row, column=cell.col_idx, value=cell.value)
        if cell.has_style:
            new_cell.font = Font(, size=cell.font.size, bold=cell.font.bold, italic=cell.font.italic, color=cell.font.color)'test copie excel.xlsx')

enter image description here

So on the images, on the left it is the original file. On the right the copy, but the text in the first cell is supposed to be in 2 colors : right and blue, and overlighted in yellow. Or in the copy, I got only one color, all the text became red, and is not overlight anymore. Does it exist a simple method to copy an excel as if it was done at the hand with a right click, that will copy exactly the original file and all its attributes / elements inside ?


  • Excel cells normally have only one font. If there is text in rich text format in Excel cells, then the cell content itself is rich text cell content. But rich text cell content is not read while load workbook file per default for performance reasons. So one must set rich_text=True in load_workbook('test excel.xlsx', rich_text=True) if needed.

    The color is the fill color of the cell. To keep this, the fill must also be copied.

    Btw.: There is copy from copy which can be used to copy whole cell.font and cell.fill to avoid the need to copy each single font- and fill-property.

    And the column widths are worksheet dimensions settings, which needs to be set for the new_ws too if they shall be the same.

    from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook
    from copy import copy
    wb = load_workbook('test excel.xlsx', rich_text=True)
    ws =
    new_wb = Workbook()
    new_ws =
    for row in ws.iter_rows():
        for cell in row:
            new_cell = new_ws.cell(row=cell.row, column=cell.col_idx, value=cell.value)
            new_cell.font = copy(cell.font)
            new_cell.fill = copy(cell.fill)
    for column_name in ws.column_dimensions:
        new_ws.column_dimensions[column_name].width = ws.column_dimensions[column_name].width
           'test copie excel.xlsx')

    That is for cell- and worksheet-properties you have now. if the need is copying all possible cell- and worksheet-properties, then the code gets very long and complex.

    Above code works using openpyxl version 3.1.2. Version 3.1.3 seems to have bugs while copying rich text from shared-strings into inline-strings when text runs contain spaces only. Then the XML for the text should be <t xml:space="preserve"> </t> but is <t> </t> using Version 3.1.3. That leads to an error while opening the file in Excel.

    But would not using another approach more convenient? Open the test excel.xlsxusing wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('test excel.xlsx', rich_text=True). Then do the needed changing in wb. After all use'test copie excel.xlsx') to save the file under a new file name. No need for new_wb and new_ws at all.