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My PWA shows up in the share tray of my Android device, but when sharing to it the text doesn't show in the query params. How can I find out why?

I have the following snippet on my web manifest manifest.webmanifest:

  "share_target": {
    "action": "/",
    "method": "GET",
    "params": {
      "url": "dirtyurl",
      "title": "title",
      "text": "bodyText"

So I'd expect that when a user selects the app in the share tray I'd get something like, right? But when I display window.location.href on the website I get just

Since this is an PWA installed on Android, I can't really see the dev tools to see if any error was posted. And for some reason the app doesn't show on the Windows 11 share tray at all so I cannot check on my computer's debug tools.

So, why is the Web Share Target API property not working as intended? I have been trying to follow the MDN guide here: but I can't find any reason why the URL isnt being populated as it should.

Thank you!


  • I've been struggling with the same problem and what kind of worked for me is having manifest part like this:

    "share_target": {
        "action": "/Link/SharedLink/",
        "method": "GET",
        "params": {
            "title": "name",
            "text": "description"

    Where action is my controller method.

    And my controller is like this:

    public ActionResult SharedLink(string name, string description)
        ViewBag.Name = name;  // this will contain page title
        ViewBag.Description = description;  // this will contain page URL
        return View("SharedLink");

    I don't know why there is an apparent mix-up with the names, but that's what worked.