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Extracting Zip contents into a flat directory using Kotlin

I'm working on some code to parse and extract the contents of a zip file. I finally figured out how to deal with nested zip archives (see: Extracting a Zip archive containing nested zip files using Kotlin for more details). However, now I am running into a new issue. I want all the files to be extracted into a single directory regardless of where they were nested. The code I have currently is creating directories for nested files and placing the extracted files there. What can I do to get everything into a single directory without having to shift files around after the function has run?

My code currently looks like:

internal fun File.unzipServiceFile(toPath: String): List<File>
    val retFiles = mutableListOf<File>()
    val stream =ZipInputStream(this.inputStream())
    stream.unzipServiceFile( toPath, retFiles)

    return retFiles

private fun ZipInputStream.unzipServiceFile( toPath: String, files:MutableList<File>) {

    var entry = nextEntry
    println("Parsing entry $entry")
    while( entry != null){
        println("entry: " +
        //if there are nested zip files, we need to extract them
        if (".zip")) {
            //we need to go deeper
            ZipInputStream(this).unzipServiceFile(  toPath, files)
        else if (".json") && !entry.isDirectory && !".") && !
        ) {
            val file = File("$toPath/${}")
            FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, readBytes())
            println("Added file ${file.path}")

        entry = nextEntry

Additional info:

The folder before being zipped: The folder before being zipped

The output of the code: The output from my function


  • is not just the file name, it may also contain a directory component. If you strip that when creating the output file then everything will be extracted in the same directory.

    One way to do it:

    val file = File("$toPath/${File(}")