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LsaAddAccountRights() doesn't actually grant account rights

Full code:

I ran the code, but the user still hasn't been granted the "Log on as a service" permission.

Screenshot of Administrator Powershell session

Code Snippet:

    LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle,    // open policy handle
    PSID AccountSid,            // SID to grant privilege to
    LPWSTR PrivilegeName,       // privilege to grant (Unicode)
    BOOL bEnable                // enable or disable
    LSA_UNICODE_STRING PrivilegeString;

    // Create a LSA_UNICODE_STRING for the privilege name.
    InitLsaString(&PrivilegeString, PrivilegeName);

    // grant or revoke the privilege, accordingly
    if(bEnable) {
        return LsaAddAccountRights(
                PolicyHandle,       // open policy handle
                AccountSid,         // target SID
                &PrivilegeString,   // privileges
                1                   // privilege count
    else {
        return LsaRemoveAccountRights(
                PolicyHandle,       // open policy handle
                AccountSid,         // target SID
                FALSE,              // do not disable all rights
                &PrivilegeString,   // privileges
                1                   // privilege count


  • I had to restart the Local Security Policy app. Then I could see the changes took effect.