I am writing a small OS, but when I try to edit the stage1 bootloader source file it doesn't get recompiled. Here is the main Makefile:
# Tools
ASM = nasm
# Directories
SRC_DIR = src
TARGET_DIR = build
.PHONY: all image bootloader run clean
all: image
image: $(TARGET)
$(TARGET): $(TARGET_DIR) bootloader
bootloader: stage1 stage2
stage1: $(TARGET_DIR)/bl_stage1.bin
@echo "Building bl_stage1.bin"
$(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR)/bootloader/stage1 TARGET_DIR=$(abspath $(TARGET_DIR))
stage2: $(TARGET_DIR)/bl_stage2.bin
@echo "Building bl_stage2.bin"
$(MAKE) -C $(SRC_DIR)/bootloader/stage2 TARGET_DIR=$(abspath $(TARGET_DIR))
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
run: $(TARGET)
qemu-system-i386 -fda $(TARGET)
clean: $(TARGET_DIR)
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)
And here is the stage1 Makefile:
.PHONY: all
all: stage1
stage1: $(TARGET_DIR)/bl_stage1.bin
$(TARGET_DIR)/bl_stage1.bin: ./bootloader.asm
$(ASM) ./bootloader.asm -f bin -o $(TARGET_DIR)/bl_stage1.bin
When I try to run the Makefile:
Building bl_stage2.bin
make -C src/bootloader/stage2 TARGET_DIR=/home/setorano/dev/CentralOS/build
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/setorano/dev/CentralOS/src/bootloader/stage2'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/setorano/dev/CentralOS/src/bootloader/stage2'
So Make doesn't even run stage1.
The line
says that bl_stage1.bin
has no dependencies, so it will never be rebuilt.
Instead you could replace that line and the line before by simply
and make stage1
a phony target, that way it will always rerun the make
command that goes into the stage1