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Stripe Test account ID deletion issue

I deleted a test account but unfortunately cant get rid of account ID. Im getting 400 erros code and this . Trying to figure out how to fix this issue so I can connect the correct ID to my website. Thank Ya!!! :

resource_missing - account No such account: 'acct_1PbVTECiGpUV7uyt' Was this useful?YesNo


"account": "acct_1PbVTECiGpUV7uyt",

"return_url": """"

"type": "account_onboarding""account_onboarding"

"refresh_url": ""

} Response body


"error": {



"No such account: 'acct_1PbVTECiGpUV7uyt'"


"request_log_url": "",





  • It seems like you were trying to create an account link with an ID of an already deleted account.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "connect the correct ID to my website". You might want to create a new connected account, so that you can create an account link for it.