Search code examples

I have an Error trapping problem in Access

'The code works as I need it to other than the the error trap "On Error GoTo ThusError" fails. I have set Tools\Options\General to "Break in Class Module" as recommended in,%22On%20Error%20Resume%20Next%22. I also tried "Break on Unhandled Errors" but both settings have no effect.'

         Sub ListFiles(fldObj As Object, Mask As String)

            Dim fl As Object 'File
            Dim db As DAO.Database
            Set db = CurrentDb
            Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
            Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("FileNames", dbOpenDynaset)
            For Each fl In fldObj.files
               For i = 1 To 16
                  Extn = Right(fl, i)
                  If InStr(Extn, ".") > 0 Then
                     Extn = Right(Extn, i - 1)
                     i = 16
                  End If
               Next i
               On Error GoTo ThisError
               If InStr(fl, "$") > 0 _
                  Or Extn = "lnk" _
                  Or Extn = "ppm" _
                  Or InStr(fl, ".") = 0 _
                  Or Len(Extn) > 4 _
                  Or Extn = "dat" _
                  Or CLng(fl.Size / 1024) < 64 _
                  Or Extn = "sst" _
                  Or Extn = "ldb" _
                  Or Extn = "log" _
                  Or Extn = "WMF" _
                  Or Extn = "json" Then
                     SetAttr fl, vbNormal
                     Kill fl
                     GoTo LoopOut
                  End If
               If fl.Name Like Mask Then
                  rst("File").Value = Left(fl.Name, Len(fl.Name) - (Len(Extn) + 1))
                  If (CStr(Err.Number)) = 0 Then rst("ErrNum&Description").Value = " " Else 
                  rst("ErrNum&Description").Value = CStr((Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description)
                  rst("KB Size").Value = CLng(fl.Size / 1024) 
                  rst("Ext").Value = Extn
                  rst("Home").Value = fldObj
               End If

      End Sub


  • Your code is riddled with errors. To begin with, variable fl is an object. The FOR...NEXT loop that searches for an extension will fail because you cannot reference part of an object with a keyword that is expecting a string, Right(fl, i) in this case. You need to reference a string property within fl. For example Right(fl.Name, i). That error will not be trapped because the On Error Goto ThisError has not yet been defined. You have the same string related issue with If InStr(fl, "$") > 0, InStr(fl, "."), SetAttr fl, vbNormal, Kill fl, and rst("Home").Value = fldObj. If (CStr(Err.Number)) = 0 should read If Err.Number = 0. There is no need to convert it to a string. The use of the Goto statement to control program flow should be avoided at all costs. Never ever use punctuation or spaces in field names. rst("ErrNum&Description") and rst("KB Size") is asking for no end of trouble.

    You should also have Option Explicit as the first line in every module. This will force variable declarations and avoid syntax errors.

    I have thrown together a revision of your code to give you an idea of where you should be heading and there is still much more room for improvement. It is NOT error free as the content of your objects is unknown and it has NOT been tested:

    Option Explicit
    Sub ListFiles(fldObj As Object, Mask As String)
      Dim fl   As Object 'File
      Dim db   As DAO.Database
      Dim rst  As DAO.Recordset
      Dim i    As Integer
      Dim Extn As String
      Set db = CurrentDb
      Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("FileNames", dbOpenDynaset)
      On Error GoTo ThisError
      For Each fl In fldObj.files
    '    For i = 1 To 16
    '      Extn = Right(fl, i)
    '      If InStr(Extn, ".") > 0 Then
    '        Extn = Right(Extn, i - 1)
    '        i = 16
    '      End If
    '    Next i
        ' A simpler way of finding the extension
        i = InStrRev(fl.Name, ".")
        If i > 0 Then
          Extn = Right(Extn, i + 1)
        End If
        If InStr(fl.Name, "$") > 0 _
          Or Extn = "lnk" _
          Or Extn = "ppm" _
          Or InStr(fl.Name, ".") = 0 _
          Or Len(Extn) > 4 _
          Or Extn = "dat" _
          Or CLng(fl.Size / 1024) < 64 _
          Or Extn = "sst" _
          Or Extn = "ldb" _
          Or Extn = "log" _
          Or Extn = "WMF" _
          Or Extn = "json" Then
            SetAttr fl.Name, vbNormal
            Kill fl.Name
        End If
      Exit Sub
    ' Error handling
      If fl.Name Like Mask Then
        rst("File").Value = Left(fl.Name, Len(fl.Name) - (Len(Extn) + 1))
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
          rst("ErrNum&Description").Value = " "
          rst("ErrNum&Description").Value = Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
          rst("KB Size").Value = CLng(fl.Size / 1024)
          rst("Ext").Value = Extn
          rst("Home").Value = fldObj.Home  '<<< Don't know what Home is.
        End If
      End If
      ' The use of Resume here will let you keep processing all file names if an.
      ' error occurs. Remove it if you want the routine to end on the first error.
      Resume LoopOut
    End Sub