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Reciving Unable to find a specification for FBReactNativeSpec depended upon by RNReanimated in a React Native Project

I am making a upgrade of the React Native version from the 0.70.6 to 0.74.3.

When I try to run the pod install inside the iOS folder. I receive this error:

[!] Unable to find a specification for `FBReactNativeSpec` depended upon by `RNReanimated`

You have either:
 * mistyped the name or version.
 * not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

npx react-native info


I already triyed with:

  • pod install --repo-update


  • rm podfile.lock
  • pod cache clean --all
  • cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Any ideas ??


  • For everyone who encountered the same problem, update the react-native-reanimated library to the latest version (3.14.0 in my case). Then run this command:

     pod install 

    And that's it.