I have two sets of files in the same directory :
I need to run a command where 1.bam
and 1.txt
are interpreted together, and so on..
I tried looping through array indices :
for i in ${#bam[@]}; do
samtools view -N $e $f
And with parallel :
parallel --dry-run 'samtools view -N {1} {2} > {2.}.fasta' ::: *txt ::: *bam
With --dry-run , I can see that loops 3 times (3 sets of files * 3 loop) ; I just need one.
Any help?
First, ${#bam[@]}
reports the number of elements in bam
As Jetchisel mentioned in the comments, what you want is "${!bam[@]}"
which returns the indices.
$: touch {1..3}.{bam,txt}
$: ls
1.bam 1.txt 2.bam 2.txt 3.bam 3.txt
$: bam=(*.bam); ids=(*.txt)
$: echo "${bam[@]} ${ids[@]}"
1.bam 2.bam 3.bam 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt
$: for i in ${#bam[@]}; do f=${bam[i]}; e=${ids[i]}; echo "i='$i' f='$f' e='$e'"; done
i='3' f='' e=''
$: echo "#:'${#bam[@]}' !:'${!bam[@]}'"
#:'3' !:'0 1 2'
$: for i in ${!bam[@]}; do f=${bam[i]}; e=${ids[i]}; echo "i='$i' f='$f' e='$e'"; done
i='0' f='1.bam' e='1.txt'
i='1' f='2.bam' e='2.txt'
i='2' f='3.bam' e='3.txt'
This does assume the arrays will be truly parallel. I leave any error checking on that to you unless you ask for a deeper dive into it.
There are other ways to approach it. If you are assuming true parallel arrays, you can also back into it by iterating one and string-hacking the other.
$: for b in ${bam[@]}; do echo "b='$b' t='${b%.bam}.txt'"; done
b='1.bam' t='1.txt'
b='2.bam' t='2.txt'
b='3.bam' t='3.txt'
But you can interpolate the filenames explicitly with brace expansion -
$: for i in ${!bam[@]}; do echo "samtools view -N" $i.{bam,txt}; done
samtools view -N 0.bam 0.txt
samtools view -N 1.bam 1.txt
samtools view -N 2.bam 2.txt
So I'd do it something like this:
for i in ${!bam[@]}
do samtools view -N $i.{bam,txt} > $i.fasta 2> $i.log &
As a habit I'd usually quote those vars, but in this case it's all integer indices, and quoting the {bam,txt}
breaks it so you'd have to exclude it from your otherwise (circumstantially) unrequired quotes, so I've just left them off in this occasion.