Say we have array or list of sockets named (A,B,C) and we want to send data to all of them at the same exact time due to that the application is really time critical, then is there a away to send to all of them without iteration? as with iteration then "C" received messages will be always delayed compared to "A" for example.
Paralle.ForEach did the job with 3-4 times faster that normal foreach, here is a benchmark with 20 tries for sending to 5000 sockets:
As far as I know (and I could be wrong), you can use Parallel.Foreach()
from System.Threading.Tasks
so you can execute or process each iteration concurrently.
For example let's say you have a List<Socket> sockets
and some dataToSend
Parallel.ForEach(sockets, socket =>
Console.WriteLine($"Data sent on thread {Task.CurrentId}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");