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Using R, how can I detect if a string includes a unicode character?

If a string includes a Unicode character, I would like to detect it and replace it (because RMarkdown fails when creating pdf output that includes Unicode characters). For example, the variable inclusion below includes Unicode 2265 ("\U2265"):

inclusion <- "Include patients ≥ 18 years of age"

To detect that specific code I can use

str_detect(inclusion, "\U2265")

and the result is TRUE.

Is there a way to detect ANY Unicode in a string, not a single specific Unicode?

Furthermore, I'd love to find a function that replaces any Unicode characters with non-Unicode characters that convey the same meaning. For example, str_replace(inclusion, "\U2265", ">=") creates the result: "Include patients >= 18 years of age"


  • You can match against [^\\x00-\\x7F] to detect non ASCII or use stringi::stri_enc_isascii or use utf8ToInt and test if any code is larger than 127.

    inclusion <- c("Include patients ≥ 18 years of age", "a")
    grepl("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", inclusion, perl=TRUE)
    #[1]  TRUE FALSE
    stringr::str_detect(inclusion, "[^\\x00-\\x7F]")
    #[1]  TRUE FALSE
    #[1]  TRUE FALSE
    lapply(inclusion, \(x) any(utf8ToInt(x) > 127))
    #[1] TRUE
    #[1] FALSE

    And you can replace them using e.g. gsub, stringr::str_replace_all or incov (thanks to @MrFlick for the comment) or stringi::stri_enc_toascii or textclean::replace_non_ascii (thanks to @Quarto for the comment).

    gsub("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", "?", inclusion, perl=TRUE)
    #[1] "Include patients ? 18 years of age" "a"                                 
    stringr::str_replace_all(inclusion, "[^\\x00-\\x7F]", "?") 
    #[1] "Include patients ? 18 years of age" "a"                                 
    iconv(inclusion, "UTF-8", "ASCII", sub="?")
    #[1] "Include patients ??? 18 years of age"
    #[2] "a"                                   
    #[1] "Include patients \032 18 years of age"
    #[2] "a"                                    
    textclean::replace_non_ascii(inclusion, "?")
    #[1] "Include patients ??? 18 years of age"
    #[2] "a"                                   

    To be more specific when exchanging the non ASCII you can create a lookup table.

    s <- c("x ≥ y", "x = y", "x ≤ y")
    i <- gregexpr("[^\\x00-\\x7F]", s, perl=TRUE)  # Match non ASCII
    m <- regmatches(s, i)                          # Extract them
    #[1] "≥" "≤"
    # Create lookup table
    u <- read.table(text="
    ≥ >=
    ≤ <=
    # Exchange them
    regmatches(s, i) <- lapply(m, \(x) u[[2]][match(x, u[[1]])])
    #[1] "x >= y" "x = y"  "x <= y"

    (I'm aware that in the case of the question solving the issue with RMarkdown will be the solution. Just for the case that someone has a need to translate to ASCII.)