I want to use the Accent color that user have set in the system settings, as the main theme of my app. I mean the Accent Color in Windows or the Color palette in Android
I'm not sure if there's a way to use the Windows.UI.ViewManagement
and something like this (code suggested by ms Copilot):
using Windows.UI.ViewManagement;
// Inside the Page Class:
var uiSettings = new UISettings();
var accentColor = uiSettings.GetColorValue(UIColorType.Accent);
You can use Windows/Android accent color by the following code:
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var uiSettings = new Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings();
var color = uiSettings.GetColorValue(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UIColorType.Accent);
var mauicolor = Color.Parse(color.ToString());
(sender as Button).BackgroundColor = mauicolor;
var value = new Android.Util.TypedValue();
Android.App.Application.Context.ApplicationContext.Theme.ResolveAttribute(Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorAccent, value, true);
var contexwrapper = new AndroidX.AppCompat.View.ContextThemeWrapper(Android.App.Application.Context.ApplicationContext, Android.Resource.Style.ThemeDeviceDefault);
contexwrapper.Theme.ResolveAttribute(Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorAccent, value, true);
var color = value.Data;
var mauicolor = new Android.Graphics.Color(color).ToColor();
(sender as Button).BackgroundColor = mauicolor;
Note: I tested it on the windows and worked but I didn't find any where can set the system accent on my android device and simulator. So I refer to this case: Get Android system accent color (Android 10 System color accent), and convert the java code to c#.