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how to reference a subset of child nodes whose element names are number

Im trying to transform an XML doc where there is an address node that has child elements Address[1-9]

currently, Im using the following xslt to concatenate all the lines into a single output

out:AddressLine <xsl:value-of select="$nodeOfAddress/*[starts-with(name(), 'in:AddressLine')]/text()[normalize-space()]/normalize-space()" separator=" "/> </out:AddressLine>

This seems to work great for ALL address lines. However, I only want to do this for lines 3-6, not all 9 of them. Is there a way specify that in the for each select? Im sure I could hack out a way with a few if statements, but was hoping maybe there is a way similar to what I have above.

I was asked for a sample in file. I looks something like this


I just want address3, 4, 5, and 6


  • Maybe:

    <xsl:value-of select="$NodeOfAddress/*[starts-with(name(), 'in:AddressLine')][3 le position() and position() le 6]" /> 

    Hard to be sure without seeing the input.