Slowly learning SIMD, but there are still some aspects that I cannot wrap my head around when trying to come up with SIMD solutions to a problem. One of those being when the input is smaller than the output.
As an example, lets say I have an 8 bit grayscale image. i.e each pixel is a byte in the range 0-255. And I now want to convert that to a pre-multiplied alpha image with a specified colour. So the input is an 8bit array (8 bit per pixel), but the output is a 32bit array (32 bit per pixel RGBA_8888).
So the arrays are not one to one. One byte in the grayscale array will be converted to 4 bytes in the colour array .
In scalar form, this would look like this :
public class Test
const int ImageSize = 2048;
const int ImageLength = ImageSize * ImageSize;
private byte[] _bytesGray = new byte[ImageLength];
private uint[] _pixelsRGBA = new uint[ImageLength];
private const byte _colorR = 0xFF;
private const byte _colorG = 0x01;
private const byte _colorB = 0x02;
private const byte _colorA = 0xFF;
public void Setup()
for (int i = 0; i < ImageLength; i++)
_bytesGray[i] = (byte)(i + 1);
_pixelsRGBA[i] = 0;
public unsafe void GrayscaleToColor_Scalar()
fixed (byte* bytePtr = _bytesGray)
fixed (uint* pixelPtr = _pixelsRGBA)
for (int i = 0; i < ImageLength; ++i)
byte value = bytePtr[i];
byte r = (byte)((value * _colorR) >> 8);
byte g = (byte)((value * _colorG) >> 8);
byte b = (byte)((value * _colorB) >> 8);
byte a = (byte)((value * _colorA) >> 8);
pixelPtr[i] = (uint)(r << 24 | g << 16 | b << 8 | a);
To process this in SIMD form, my thinking is that I want to process the _bytesGray
array so I can take full advantage of the 256 vector register.
fixed (byte* valueBytes = _bytesGray)
for (int i = 0; i < ImageLength; i += 32)
But as the input pixel is a byte
and the output pixel is a uint
, I think I would then need 4x Vectors. Where each vector contains 8 of the 32 bytes. But each byte would then be duplicated 4 times in each uint
. At which point I could then do my multiply
fixed (byte* valueBytes = _bytesGray)
for (int i = 0; i < ImageLength; i += 32)
Vector256<byte> bytes = Avx2.LoadVector256(valueBytes + i);
Vector256<uint> _0_8_grayBytes = ... // get 0-8 bytes and splat each byte to fill uint
Vector256<uint> _8_16_grayBytes = ... // get 8-16 bytes and splat each byte to fill uint
Vector256<uint> _16_24_grayBytes = ... // get 16-24 bytes and splat each byte to fill uint
Vector256<uint> _24_32_grayBytes = ... // get 24-32 bytes and splat each byte to fill uint
But I can't seem to figure out how to express what I want in instructions to do or even if its the right approach.
How would you go about doing this?
I would do it like that.
The main idea is loading 8 input bytes at a time, using the broadcast load instruction. Then selectively move and zero out bytes to expand these 8 bytes into 16 ushort numbers with the numbers scaled by 0x100
and duplicated. Then use 16-bit integer multiplications in two vectors, finally combine into a 32-bytes vector and store.
/// <summary>Create a pair of multipliers for _mm256_mulhi_epu16 instruction</summary>
static Vector256<ushort> makeMultipliers( byte low, byte high )
// Compute multipliers with uint division
uint a = low;
uint b = high;
a = ( a * 0x8000u + 254u ) / 255u;
b = ( b * 0x8000u + 254u ) / 255u;
// Create the pattern as uint scalar
uint s = a | ( b << 16 );
// Broadcast the uint, and bit cast the vector to short lanes
return Vector256.Create( s ).AsUInt16();
// Permutation table which transform 4 bytes into 0A0A0B0B0C0C0D0D sequence of 16 bytes
static ReadOnlySpan<byte> permBytes => new byte[ 32 ]
// First 16 byte slice uses bytes [ 0 .. 3 ]
0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, 1, 0xFF, 2, 0xFF, 2, 0xFF, 3, 0xFF, 3,
// The second slice uses bytes [ 4 .. 7 ]
0xFF, 4, 0xFF, 4, 0xFF, 5, 0xFF, 5, 0xFF, 6, 0xFF, 6, 0xFF, 7, 0xFF, 7,
public unsafe void GrayscaleToColor_Simd()
Vector256<ushort> mul0 = makeMultipliers( _colorA, _colorG );
Vector256<ushort> mul1 = makeMultipliers( _colorB, _colorR );
Vector256<byte> perm;
fixed( byte* ptr = permBytes )
perm = Avx2.LoadVector256( ptr );
Vector256<byte> blendMask = Vector256.Create( (ushort)0xFF00 ).AsByte();
fixed( byte* bytePtr = _bytesGray )
fixed( uint* pixelPtr = _pixelsRGBA )
byte* bytePtrEnd = bytePtr + ImageLength;
byte* rsi = bytePtr;
uint* rdi = pixelPtr;
while( rsi < bytePtrEnd )
// Broadcast 8 bytes from memory
Vector256<byte> grey32 = Avx2.BroadcastScalarToVector256( (ulong*)rsi ).AsByte();
rsi += 8;
// Duplicate bytes, scaling ushort numbers by the factor of 0x100
Vector256<ushort> grey16 = Avx2.Shuffle( grey32, perm ).AsUInt16();
// Multiply 16-bit numbers, keeping the higher 16 bits of the products
Vector256<ushort> low = Avx2.MultiplyHigh( grey16, mul0 );
Vector256<ushort> high = Avx2.MultiplyHigh( grey16, mul1 );
// Shift bits into correct location,
// which is low byte for even lanes, high byte for odd ones
low = Avx2.ShiftRightLogical( low, 7 );
high = Avx2.ShiftLeftLogical( high, 1 );
// Combine into a single vector, and store
Avx2.BlendVariable( low.AsByte(), high.AsByte(), blendMask )
.AsUInt32().Store( rdi );
rdi += 8;
By the way, you have an interesting numerical issue in your formula. When you do (byte)((value * _colorR) >> 8);
you will never get 255 on output. Even when both input bytes are 255, you will only get 254 in the result.
That’s why I have used different math there. The rounding is less than ideal in my version because the optimal one would require twice as many multiplications in the loop: first to apply the input scaling, another one to divide by 255. Still, at least 0xFF input scaling seems to result in the original color.
Update: The idea behind the algorithm is following. The complete expression we need to compute for these numbers is grey * c / 255
which can be viewed as grey * mul
where mul
is a fractional number ≤ 1.0. Instead of doing floating-point math, my implementation computes that expression with a few cheap integer math instructions.
The _mm256_mulhi_epu16
instruction computes the following expression for each pair of ushort
numbers: ( a * b ) >> 16
Note that instruction can’t scale input numbers by 100% because doing so would require b
to be 0x10000
however that number doesn’t fit in ushort
, it requires at least 17 bits.
The next best thing is scaling by up to 50%, because a 50% scaling would require b = 0x8000
which fits in the ushort
lanes just fine, and then using bits [ 7 .. 14 ] of the output ushort
The makeMultipliers
function computes two of these scaling coefficients and makes a vector of [ c0, c1 ]
ushort numbers replicated over the complete vector. We call it twice because we need 4 of them, one of each channel of the output image.
Overall, my version does the following math to these bytes:
static byte computeColor( byte grey, byte component )
// Computed by makeMultipliers outside of the loop
uint c32 = component;
c32 = ( c32 * 0x8000u + 254u ) / 255u;
ushort c16 = (ushort)c32;
// Computed by moving bytes by 1 with Avx2.Shuffle, which inserts zero bytes
ushort grey16 = (ushort)( (ushort)grey << 8 );
// Computed by Avx2.MultiplyHigh
ushort res = (ushort)( ( (uint)c16 * grey16 ) >> 16 );
// Computed by bitwise shifts and byte extracts
return (byte)( res >> 7 );