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Is there still anyway to get audit logs from DefaultConnectingIOReactor in httpclient5?


I'm now switching my project denpendency apache-http-component 4 to 5.2 and there are lots of api has changed or removed. And I can't find any useful migration guide for me (even this one

My Problem

In 4.x DefaultConnectingIOReactor class has a method getAuditLog() that allows get List<ExceptionEvent> as a result to chekcout when and where occurred this exception, but in 5.x this method has been removed from DefaultConnectingIOReactor and I also can't find what it changed to. Is anyone can help me? Also, where I can find a useful guide for migrating 4 to 5.2?

Is there still anyway to get audit logs from DefaultConnectingIOReactor in httpclient5? And where I can find a useful guide for migrating 4 to 5.2?


  • Is there still anyway to get audit logs from DefaultConnectingIOReactor in httpclient5?

    Use Callback<Exception> exceptionCallback instead.

    And where I can find a useful guide for migrating 4 to 5.2?

    You are welcome to contribute one.