#include <string>
#include <string_view>
template<typename... Args>
std::string_view concatenateBuffer(std::string &buffer, Args &&... args){
static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<std::string_view, Args> && ...));
(buffer.append(std::forward<Args>(args)), ...);
return buffer;
template<typename ...Ts>
std::string_view concat(std::string s, Ts ...ts){
return concatenateBuffer(s , (("," , ts) , ...) );
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::string b;
std::cout << concat(b, "a") << '\n';
std::cout << concat(b, "a", "b") << '\n';
I have function concatenateBuffer
, the version I show here is simplified, but what it do is it appends "strings" (char *, string_view, string) to buffer
I want to do another function concat
that act bit like php function implode, e.g. put separator "," between the "strings".
e.g. if you call :
concat(b, "a") ===> "a"
concat(b, "a", "b") ===> "a,b"
concat(b, "a", "b", "c") ===> "a,b,c"
Is this possible to be done with folding parameter pack?
You could break the pack up to be able to insert ,
between the strings:
template<class T, class ...Ts>
std::string& concat(std::string& buffer, T&& t, Ts&&...ts){
buffer.append(std::forward<T>(t)); // first argument, no comma
buffer.append(std::forward<Ts>(ts))), ...);
return buffer;