I have some basic questions about the way goroutines work.
Code in consideration:
package main
import (
type Country struct {
Name string
Continent string
Population int32
func updatePopulation(c *Country, newBorns int32) {
c.Population += newBorns
fmt.Printf("New population of %v is %v\n", c.Name, c.Population)
func main() {
totalStates := 50 // total number of sources, (US states)
us := Country{"USA", "North America", 32000000}
for i := 0; i <= totalStates; i++ {
go updatePopulation(&us, int32(i))
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // this is just so that we don't need channels
We are spawning 50 goroutines here. Does all 50 of them don’t start running unless the main goroutine gets blocked by the sleep? I want to understand in general if the main goroutine must be blocked for the child go routines to get kicked off.
There is nothing in the function updatePopulation that blocks a goroutine. I read about cooperative scheduling and that only when a goroutine is blocked, the other gets executed. But, when I run this, the goroutines are not running in order. Is this because they are scheduled on different threads and these threads are running concurrently on different CPU Cores and not waiting for the other goroutine to complete? My GOMAXPROCS value is 8.
I read that Go runtime creates multiple threads in advance and uses them to schedule the goroutines. Is this per program execution?
Before you say, I know the solution to bring order to this is to use locking but I’m taking this example to understand the basics and not trying to solve the problem with this code.