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MudBlazor Select popup not display

I am new with Mudblazor and foud issue.

When I place the select control in a certain control hierarchy the dropdown no longer appears. I created a MudBlazor playgroud to explain my case. (Flat example pop-up show under the appbar) (With fake link, where links hide pop-up)



  • You'd need to override the default z-index. One option is to use the PopoverClass property on the MudSelect and give it a higher z-index.

    executable example

        <MudSpacer />
        <MudMenu Icon="@Icons.Material.Outlined.Person">
                <MudSelect T="CultureInfo" Label="Culture" PopoverClass="select-popover">
                    @foreach (var culture in _cultures)
                        <MudSelectItem Value="culture" />
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 1</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 2</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 3</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 4</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 5</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 6</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 7</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 8</MudLink>
                <MudLink Href="">Lien 9</MudLink>
    @code {
        @using System.Globalization;
        private CultureInfo[] _cultures = [new CultureInfo("en-US"), new CultureInfo("fr-CA")];
        .select-popover {
            z-index: 1500 !important;