We have a backend API which expects below type in the request body.
type taskslistrequest = {
clientgroupcode: string[];
startindex: number;
pagesize: number;
This is how I am parsing the request body:
const tasklistreq: taskslistrequest = req.body.taskslistrequest as taskslistrequest;
However, typescript doesn't throw any error if I send below request body from postman.
"taskslistrequest": {
"clientgroupcode": [
"startindex": "0",
"pagesize": "50"
Can you please help me to understand how can I make sure that if there is any type mismatch then it is captured while parsing the request body itself.
I am using:
I like to validate my request with joi it would probably look like this:
const fooValidation = Joi.object({
var1: joi.array().required().items(
var2: Joi.number().required()
var3: Joi.string()
look at the documentation https://joi.dev/