I have a table which stores Hierarchy of Customers i.e., GrandParent, Parent and Child as follows
CustomerNum Amount GrantParent Parent
----------- ------ ----------- ------
8046026507 100 NULL 1872539355
8099032159 100 1872539355 8046026507
1872539355 100 NULL NULL
I need a SQL query to get the Sum of AMOUNT when I pass a Customer based on the Hierarchy. For Example When I pass customer '1872539355'(GrandParent) I should get '300' (Sum of all parent, child) of that customer. When I pass '8046026507'(Parent) I should get '200'. When I pass 8099032159(Child) I should get '100'. One Grand Parent Can have multiple Parents and One Parent Can have multiple childs.
Many thanks in Advance.
Assuming that you have a tree data structure (without loops or branches merging) then use a hierarchical query:
SELECT SUM(amount)
FROM table_name
START WITH CustomerNum = 1872539355
CONNECT BY PRIOR CustomerNum = Parent
Note: you do not need the grandparent information - just the parent.
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name (CustomerNum, Amount, GrantParent, Parent) AS
SELECT 8046026507, 100, NULL, 1872539355 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 8099032159, 100, 1872539355, 8046026507 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 1872539355, 100, NULL, NULL FROM DUAL;
300 |
If you START WITH CustomerNum = 8046026507
then the output is:
200 |
and if you START WITH CustomerNum = 8099032159
then the output is:
100 |