I am running Trino with a docker container and I want to edit the catalogs or more specific the tables.
I followed these instructions: https://trino.io/docs/current/installation/containers.html
When I run
docker run --name trino -d -p 8080:8080 trinodb/trino
and then docker exec -it trino trino
I can do select statements and so on, but I want to be able to create a custom table.
When I try to do so, I get this:
trino> create table tpch.sf1.test (id int);
Query 20240711_100824_00000_y8ghb failed: This connector does not support creating tables
I also tried this:
docker run --name trino -d -p 8080:8080 --volume $PWD/etc:/etc/trino/catalog trinodb/trino
When I create a catalog, I get this:
create catalog tpch using tpch;
Query 20240711_101526_00002_u8xak failed: CREATE CATALOG is not supported by the static catalog store
is a readonly connector which can be used for testing queries and benchmarking:
This connector can be used to test the capabilities and query syntax of Trino without configuring access to an external data source. When you query a TPCH schema, the connector generates the data on the fly using a deterministic algorithm.
You need to use some other connector, for example using the Memory one:
create schema memory.test; -- using default memory catalog
use memory.test;
orderkey bigint,
orderstatus varchar,
totalprice double,
orderdate date
show tables;