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how to compare month-year with DateParse

I have to check if a date (month-year) is minus than actual date.

I know how to do it only with single month or year, like

DateTime.Parse(o.MyDate).Month <= DateTime.Now.Month


DateTime.Parse(o.MyDate).Year <= DateTime.Now.Year

but how can I check directly if month-year is minus than now.month-now.year?


What I have to do is, for example, to check if 10-2011 (DateTime.Now.Month-DateTime.Now.Year) is between 01-2011 and 04-2012...


  • If the years are the same, compare the months, if the years are not the same, your year must be smaller than now:

    var yourDate = ...;
    if((yourDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year && yourDate.Month < DateTime.Now.Month)
       || yourDate.Year < DateTime.Now.Year)
        // yourDate is smaller than todays month.


    To check if yourDate is in a certain time range, use this:

    var yourDate = ...;
    var lowerBoundYear = 2011;
    var lowerBoundMonth = 1;
    var upperBoundYear = 2012;
    var upperBoundMonth = 4;
    if(((yourDate.Year == lowerBoundYear && yourDate.Month >= lowerBoundMonth) || 
        yourDate.Year > lowerBoundYear
       ) &&
       ((yourDate.Year == upperBoundYear && yourDate.Month <= upperBoundMonth) ||
        yourDate.Year < lowerBoundYear
        // yourDate is in the time range 01/01/2011 - 30/04/2012
        // if you want yourDate to be in the range 01/02/2011 - 30/04/2012, i.e. 
        // exclusive lower bound, change the >= to >.
        // if you want yourDate to be in the range 01/01/2011 - 31/03/2012, i.e.
        // exclusive upper bound, change the <= to <.