I am working in Power BI and have dataset with columns containing "Y", "N", or "NA". There are over 100 columns so I am trying not to create an if statement for every column. Is there any way that I can count the number of "Y" in each row for each column? With an example I could do this for the "N" as well. Thanks in advance. The result would be a new column that is a count of all "Y"s in the other columns.
Here is what the output is in excel (but in reality I have over 100 columns/questions):
I tried with this dataset:
A | B | C | D |
Y | N | Y | NA |
N | Y | NA | Y |
NA | NA | NA | Y |
Y | Y | Y | Y |
I went to Transform Data -> Add Column -> Custom Column.
I used this code:
columnNames = Table.ColumnNames(#"Source"),
customColumn = Table.AddColumn(#"Source", "Count of Y", each List.Sum(List.Transform(columnNames, (col) => if Record.Field(_, col) = "Y" then 1 else 0)))
Replace #"Source" with the previous step in your Power Query process. You can also change "Count of Y" to the desired new column name.
My result was: