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flutter bloc delays to rebuild BlocConsumer after emit

I have noticed that the bloc/cubit delays to rebuild after emit to to a new state for example in my code.

I expect for the bloc/cubit to change the state and refresh the blocConsumer with no delay.

What is the reasons for this?

Add Document Function In The Bloc/Cubit

    try {

      AddDocumentModel? makeDocumentReadyFunctionResult = await makeDocumentReadyToUpload(context, formKey: formKey, documentNumber: documentNumber, documentExpiryDate: documentExpiryDate, documentNotes: documentNotes, remark: remarks);

    } catch (e) {
      emit(AddDocumentFailure(message: e.toString()));
      return false;

My BlocConsumer Code

    BlocBuilder<AddDocumentCubit, AddDocumentState>(
                      builder: (context, state) {
                          return CustomButton(
                            onPressed: () async{
                               bool isSuccess = await AddDocumentCubit.get(context).addDocument(
                                  context, formKey: _formKey,
                                  remarks: _documentRemarksFieldController.text,
                                  documentNotes: _documentNotesFieldController.text,
                                  documentNumber: _documentNumberFieldController.text,
                                  documentExpiryDate: _documentExpiryDateFieldController.text
                               if(isSuccess) {
                                 setState(() {
                                   isSubmitted = true;


                            isLoading: (state is AddDocumentLoading) ? true : false ,
                            text: S.of(context).SaveDocument , isFullWidth: true,);

So, here when I press the button, it lags for a second after the Bloc/Cubit emits to a new state and after the lag it rebuild the BlocConsumer/Blocbuilder/BlocListner. I have no idea why this happens, but what is the reason for this? And how can I prevent it from happening?


  • There are multiple issues with your code, with the usage of Bloc. But to answer your question, it might be stuck at the line

    bool isSuccess = await AddDocumentCubit.get(context).addDocument(...

    as it is awaiting the execution of addDocument Method.

    You may use a BlocConsumer like below. And avoid calling setState by driving everything through the bloc if possible.

    BlocConsumer<BlocA, BlocAState>(
      listener: (context, state) {
        // Reset your form based on the state whether success or failure
      builder: (context, state) {
        // your builder here

    As a quick non recommended fix, you can try this

                onPressed: () {
                      context, formKey: _formKey,
                      remarks: _documentRemarksFieldController.text,
                      documentNotes: _documentNotesFieldController.text,
                      documentNumber: _documentNumberFieldController.text,
                      documentExpiryDate: _documentExpiryDateFieldController.text
                  ).then((isSuccess) {
                    if(isSuccess) {
                      setState(() {
                        isSubmitted = true;