I use this code in ngOnInit in order to get all institutions of user and if it is only one institution than set it in <ion-select/>
private user: User;
public institutionsOfUser: Array<Institution>;
public institutionOfUser: Institution;
ngOnInit() {
this.authService.getUser().then(response => {
this.user = response;
if(this.user == null || this.user.id == null || this.user.id.length == 0) {
this.userService.getInstitutionsOfUser(this.user.id, ApplicationModuleTypeEnum.RECORD_REPORT).subscribe(response => {
this.institutionsOfUser = response;
if(this.institutionsOfUser != null && this.institutionsOfUser.length == 1) {
this.institutionOfUser = this.institutionsOfUser[0]; // set if only one institution
}, error => {
In the html I have the following code:
<ion-list lines="none" style="max-width:350px;">
<ion-select label="Apotheke" okText="OK" cancelText="Schliessen" aria-placeholder="Apotheke" [(ngModel)]="institutionOfUser">
<ion-select-option *ngFor="let institution of institutionsOfUser" value="{{institution}}"><span translate>{{institution.institutionName}}</span></ion-select-option>
I thought that if I set this.institutionOfUser = this.institutionsOfUser[0]; than in ion-select this institution should be preselected but it isn't. What I'am doing wrong?
You have to use [value]
binding instead of using {{}}
this will solve your issue.
*ngFor="let institution of institutionsOfUser"
><span translate>{{ institution.institutionName }}</span></ion-select-option