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How to install Python on mac os x and windows with Aptana Studio?

How do I get python to work with aptana studio?

I've downloaded a bunch of stuff, but none of them seem to give me a straight text editor where I can interpret code into an executable type thing. I know there's interactive mode in IDLE, but I want to actually use an editor. So I downloaded the pydev extensions for Aptana studio, but it wants me to configure a python interpreter (so I guess it actually doesn't have one). Where can I find a straight python interpreter that will work with this? or another IDE?


  • It's easier than you think. First, there's a version of python on your machine by default. It's kind of out of date, though.

    MacPorts is a nice method to get lots of good stuff.

    ActiveState has a Python Mac package downloadable for free. will lead you to some other options as well.