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How to provide a generic Circe Decoder for a Scala 3 Enum Values?

In my model I have a subset of Enum Values (using refined types). So I need to provide Decoders for these Enum Values.

I have now the following version that works (I simplified the example with only one enum value):

import io.circe.*

inline def deriveEnumValueDecoder[A](inline prototype: A): Decoder[A] =
  Decoder.decodeString.emap: str =>
    if str == prototype.toString
    then Right(prototype)
    else Left(s"Invalid value: $str")

val json = Json.obj("processStatus" -> Json.fromString("OK"))
val jsonEnum = Json.fromString("OK")

println("MyClass: " +[MyClass])
println("MyEnum: " +[MyEnum.OK.type])

case class MyClass(processStatus: MyEnum.OK.type) 

enum MyEnum:
  case OK, NOK

given Decoder[MyClass] = Decoder.derived
given Decoder[MyEnum.OK.type] = deriveEnumValueDecoder(MyEnum.OK)

See Scastie:

I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of providing a 'prototype', so I can call it like:

given Decoder[MyEnum.OK.type] = deriveEnumValueDecoder


  • With the comment of Mateusz Kubuszok:

    inline def deriveEnumValueDecoder[A]: Decoder[A] =
        Decoder.decodeString.emap: str =>
          if str == valueOf[A].toString
          then Right(valueOf[A])
          else Left(s"Invalid value: $str - expected: ${valueOf[A]}")
    given Decoder[MyEnum.OK.type] = deriveEnumValueDecoder