I wrote a DAX formula which identifies duplicates in column "Number". The new created column has value "YES" or "NO".
Now to the problem I cannot figure out: I need to check for rows with duplicated value in column "Number", do they have differnt value in "Biz Type". "Biz Type" could have only two vaules "SP" and "PC".
The output is in the example below, highlighted in yellow. If there is a duplicate in number and differnce in column "Biz type" result is "No"
Could you help me with the DAX formula. Thank you in advance!
pls try this to create a column
VAR _count =
DISTINCTCOUNT ( 'Table'[Biz Type] ),
ALLEXCEPT ( 'Table', 'Table'[Number] )
VAR _count2 =
CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( 'Table' ), ALLEXCEPT ( 'Table', 'Table'[Number] ) )
IF ( _count2 = 1, "N/A", IF ( _count = 1, "YES", "NO" ) )