I have some data that I am using to generate a non-differentiable function and trying to plot it in R and I am observing unexpected behavior: namely, the output of the function during plotting seems to be different than if R calculates the value of the function.
Creating the data
v1 <- c(3.323,4.0034,4.6584,5.2826)
v2 <- c(1200,1300,1400,1500)
data <- cbind(v1, v2)
creating the function
fun <- function(x){
ans <- NA
ans[x >= data[1,1] & x <= data[2,1]] <- 100*(x-data[1,1])/(data[2,1]-data[1,1])+data[1,2]
ans[x >= data[2,1] & x <= data[3,1]] <- 100*(x-data[2,1])/(data[3,1]-data[2,1])+data[2,2]
ans[x >= data[3,1] & x <= data[4,1]] <- 100*(x-data[3,1])/(data[4,1]-data[3,1])+data[3,2]
If I evaluate the function at various points I get what I expect
> fun(4.3309)
[1] 1350
> fun(4.0034)
[1] 1300
If I try to plot the function
plot(fun, type = 'l', xlim = c(3.323,5.2826))
I get warning messages
1: In ans[x >= data[1, 1] & x <= data[2, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[1, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
2: In ans[x >= data[2, 1] & x <= data[3, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[2, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
3: In ans[x >= data[3, 1] & x <= data[4, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[3, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
and a plot that does not match if I just evaluate the function after the first non-differentiation point (if that is the right term)
Your warning comes from below, for example
ans[x >= data[1,1] & x <= data[2,1]] <- 100*(x-data[1,1])/(data[2,1]-data[1,1])+data[1,2]
where the length of ans[x >= data[1,1] & x <= data[2,1]]
is shorter than x
, while on the right-hand-side term, 100*(x-data[1,1])/(data[2,1]-data[1,1])+data[1,2]
is of the same length of x
You can try either of the following options
fun <- function(x) {
ans <- NA
msk1 <- x >= data[1, 1] & x <= data[2, 1]
ans[msk1] <- 100 * (x[msk1] - data[1, 1]) / (data[2, 1] - data[1, 1]) + data[1, 2]
msk2 <- x >= data[2, 1] & x <= data[3, 1]
ans[msk2] <- 100 * (x[msk2] - data[2, 1]) / (data[3, 1] - data[2, 1]) + data[2, 2]
msk3 <- x >= data[3, 1] & x <= data[4, 1]
ans[msk3] <- 100 * (x[msk3] - data[3, 1]) / (data[4, 1] - data[3, 1]) + data[3, 2]
fun <- Vectorize(function(x) {
ans <- NA
ans[x >= data[1, 1] & x <= data[2, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[1, 1]) / (data[2, 1] - data[1, 1]) + data[1, 2]
ans[x >= data[2, 1] & x <= data[3, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[2, 1]) / (data[3, 1] - data[2, 1]) + data[2, 2]
ans[x >= data[3, 1] & x <= data[4, 1]] <- 100 * (x - data[3, 1]) / (data[4, 1] - data[3, 1]) + data[3, 2]
and I believe the warning would be resolved.