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Angular - Lazy Loading Same Module with Two Routes

I have this routing currently in my app-routing module:

    path: 'school',
    component: SchoolComponent
    path: 'student',
    component: StudentComponent
    path: 'student/view',
    component: StudentDetailsComponent
    path: 'student/view/:id',
    component: StudentDetailsComponent

Now I am trying to do lazy loading to a StudentModule with a student-routing module for the 3 paths: student, student/view and student/view:id.

How I can do this to the app-routing module and student-routing module?

Here the last two paths are mapped to same component.

I am new to angular and could not find a proper example.


  • Assuming we have a student module created, we can add children routes to simplify the /student/view and /student/view:param routes so that we do not have to define /student twice. The outer path will be '' so that this is the default route when the module is loaded.


    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
    import { StudentComponent } from './student.component';
    import { StudentDetailsComponent } from '../student-details/student-details.component';
    const routes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: StudentComponent,
        children: [
            path: 'view',
            component: StudentDetailsComponent,
            path: 'view/:id',
            component: StudentDetailsComponent,
      imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
      exports: [RouterModule],
    export class StudentRoutingModule {}

    To then lazy load the student module from your app module, you can import it as so: (please note this is where we define the root path for the module student)


    import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
    export const routes: Routes = [
        path: 'student',
        loadChildren: () =>
          import('./student/student.module').then((m) => m.StudentModule),

    The routing will work in your browser as:

    • yourdomain/student/view -> student details component
    • yourdomain/student/view/1234 -> student details component
    • yourdomain/student -> student component