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How to dynamically insert new tabs with the press of an input task button?

I am developing a Shiny app in Python and I am currently struggling to find a way to dynamically generate new tabs with the press of either an input task button or with a tab called "New". I've researched into using ui.insert_ui and achieved some level of the intended effect with dynamically adding panels to my ui.navset_tab but when clicking on the new tab, the tab freezes and I can't switch to the new tab.

Is there a more optimal way to create dynamic tabs and also remove them?

My code is outlined below:

from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, reactive, render, ui
from shinywidgets import output_widget, render_widget

app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
                          ui.p("This is the landing page"),
                          ui.input_task_button(id = "create_tab",
                                               label = "Create New Tab",
                                               width = "400px",
                                               type = "success"),
        id = "shiny_tabs"

def server(input, output, session):

    # Set reactive values
    tabs_created = reactive.value(1)

     # Generate tabs
     def _():
          tab_title = f"View {tabs_created.get()}"
                               ui.modal("This will include the accordion content")
                  selector = "#shiny_tabs",
                  where = "beforeEnd"
          tabs_created.set(tabs_created.get() + 1)
app = App(app_ui, server)

I also posted this question in posit-dev/py-shiny#1510.


  • I wouldn't use an ui.insert_ui approach here because it seems to make things too complicated. Instead you can use Shiny Modules. The below example basically consists out of these three parts:

    • A reactive.value navs which has an entry for each appended ui.nav_panel, e.g. nav.get() == [1, 2] if the button was clicked twice. It is similar to your tabs_created, but I use a list here.

    • A module.ui which is used for generating the new ui.nav_panel, it depends on the panel number:

      def nav_panel_ui(panelNumber):
          tab_title = f"New tab {panelNumber}"
          return ui.nav_panel(
              ui.p(f"Content of tab {panelNumber}"),
              value="panel" + str(panelNumber)
    • A rendered ui.navset_tab (using on the server side render.ui and on the ui side ui.output_ui. The ui.navset_tab has this structure:

          ui.nav_panel("Home", ...), # your 'Home' tab, visible all the time
          # all additional nav_panels defined by navs.get()
          # the first parameter of nav_panel_ui is the id
          # '*' in order to pass the list values (nav_panels) to navset_tab()
          *[nav_panel_ui(str(x), panelNumber=str(x)) for x in navs.get()],
          .... # additional arguments

    It looks like shown below. The remove functionality can be implemented similarly.

    enter image description here

    from shiny import App, reactive, module, render, ui
    def nav_panel_ui(panelNumber):
        tab_title = f"New tab {panelNumber}"
        return ui.nav_panel(
            ui.p(f"Content of tab {panelNumber}"),
            value="panel" + str(panelNumber)
    app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
    def server(input, output, session):
        # Initialize reactive value which stores a list containing nav numbers
        navs = reactive.value([])
        # Set the list of nav values on button click
        # E.g. clicking the button twice sets navs = [1, 2]
        # Below this is used for rendering a list of tabs of the same length as navs
        def _():
            if len(navs.get()) == 0:
                navs.set(navs.get() + [1])
                navs.set(navs.get() + [max(navs.get()) + 1])
        # render the navset_tab, home tab + [nav_panel1, nav_panel2, ...]
        def myUI():
            return ui.navset_tab(
                # the home tab
                                 ui.p("This is the landing page"),
                                                      label="Create New Tab",
                # all additional nav_panels defined by navs.get()
                # the first parameter of nav_panel_ui is the id
                # '*' in order to pass the list values (nav_panels) to navset_tab()
                *[nav_panel_ui(str(x), panelNumber=str(x)) for x in navs.get()],
    app = App(app_ui, server)