I have 13 parameters that when a user log in website will be set like this:
`ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("iduser", iduser);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("unitid", unitid);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("branchid", branchid);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("organid", organid);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defuser", defuser);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defbranch", defbranch);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defunit", defunit);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defproduct", defproduct);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defpointofbody", defpointofbody);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defdegree", defdegree);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defvisit", defvisit);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("defpatient", defpatient);
ProtectedSessionStore.SetAsync("report", report);`
after login I want to have this values in 2 razor pages. One of the pages is my navmenu layout and the other one is mainmenu. so in both I have this code:
var result = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("iduser");
iduser = result.Success ? result.Value : 0;
result = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("unitid");
unitid = result.Success ? result.Value : 0;
result = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("branchid");
branchid = result.Success ? result.Value : 0;
result = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<int>("organid");
organid = result.Success ? result.Value : 0;
var result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defuser");
defuser = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defbranch");
defbranch = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defunit");
defunit = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defvisit");
defvisit = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defdegree");
defdegree = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defpointofbody");
defpointofbody = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defpatient");
defpatient = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("defproduct");
defproduct = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
result1 = await ProtectedSessionStore.GetAsync<bool>("report");
report = result1.Success ? result1.Value : false;
the problem is that it is very slow loading this parameters. How can I speed up this Process?
First of all, creating one object having all those fields is the best way to go.
public class SessionData
public int IdUser { get; set; }
public int UnitId { get; set; }
public int BranchId { get; set; }
public int OrganId { get; set; }
public bool DefUser { get; set; }
public bool DefBranch { get; set; }
public bool DefUnit { get; set; }
public bool DefVisit { get; set; }
public bool DefDegree { get; set; }
public bool DefPointOfBody { get; set; }
public bool DefPatient { get; set; }
public bool DefProduct { get; set; }
public bool Report { get; set; }
Create a State Management Service, let's call it SessionStateService
, this one will manage these relevant data across your web app during the session.
Register it as Scoped, or even as Singleton if it's a Blazor WebAssmebly application.
For example, your service can be something like this:
public class SessionDataService
private readonly ProtectedSessionStore _protectedSessionStore;
public SessionData SessionData { get; private set; }
public SessionDataService(ProtectedSessionStore protectedSessionStore)
_protectedSessionStore = protectedSessionStore;
SessionData = new SessionData(); // Initialize with default values
public async Task LoadSessionDataAsync()
var result = await _protectedSessionStore.GetAsync<string>("sessionData");
if (result.Success && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value))
SessionData = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SessionData>(result.Value);
SessionData = new SessionData(); // Initialize with default values if not found
public async Task StoreSessionDataAsync()
var sessionDataJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(SessionData);
await _protectedSessionStore.SetAsync("sessionData", sessionDataJson);
public void SetSessionData(SessionData sessionData)
SessionData = sessionData;
You can eventually access the stored data this way:
@page "/example"
@inject SessionDataService SessionDataService
<h3>Example Page</h3>
<p>IdUser: @SessionDataService.SessionData.IdUser</p>
<button @onclick="UpdateSessionData">Update Session Data</button>
@code {
private void UpdateSessionData()
SessionDataService.SessionData.IdUser = 123;
// Save changes back to ProtectedSessionStore