Is the right way to add density to only form-field-theme in Angular v18 Material (M3) by redefining a theme specifically for it? The form fields are so comically large by default and we want them as density -4, but otherwise everything else is great at density 0 (default). Just seemed a bit awkward and I wasn't sure if this was bad practice, or would affect bundle size.
@include mat.core();
$_light-theme-properties: (
color: (...),
typography: (...),
$_light-theme: mat.define-theme($_light-theme-properties);
:root {
@include mat.core-theme($_light-theme);
//... Removed other components for brevity
@include mat.button-theme($_light-theme);
@include mat.form-field-theme(
// Performs simple map.merge before define-theme
mat.define-theme(add-theme-density($_light-theme-properties, -4)) // <----- ???
// Included as a reference
@function add-theme-density($theme, $density) {
@return map.merge(
density: (
scale: $density,
this should work:
html {
@include mat.core-theme($app-theme);
@include mat.all-component-themes($app-theme);
@include mat.form-field-density(-4); // add this line