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How to make integration faster?

I'm using following code but it takes about an hour. Function chi and integrand are working fine, but chi_dop is taking too much time.

How to make it faster? Any better way to integrate other than scipy.integrate.quad? Which is faster either to integrate imaginary part or first integrating complex equation then taking imaginary part?

hbar = 1.05e-34
c = 3e8
ep = 8.854187817e-12
td = 23.93e-9
slt = 24.24e-9
dt=np.linspace(-6, 16, 12027)*1e9
dw = 200 #m/s

def chi(r, dt, dm, slt, td, tf):
    A = np.array([[-1/slt, 1j*r, -1j*r], [-1j*r/2, 0, (1j*dt - 1/td)], [1j*r/2, (-1j*dt - 1/td), 0]])
    B = np.array([0, -1j*r/2, 1j*r/2])
    x = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
    return (2*tf/c)* 2*dm**2*np.imag(x[2])/(hbar*r*ep)*1e14

def integrand(v, r, dt, dw, dm, slt, td, tf):
    int = chi(r,dt-v/c*tf, dm, slt, td, tf) 
    return int* np.exp(-v**2 / (2 * dw**2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * dw)

def chi_dop(r, dt, dw, dm, slt, td,tf):
    chi_int = sp.integrate.quad(integrand, -10*dw, 10*dw, args=(r, dt, dw, dm, slt, td,tf), limit=100, complex_func=True)[0]
    return  1e-14*chi_int
chi_db = np.vectorize(chi_dop)

F1= chi_db(1/9, dt, dw, 1/18*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2276916107209e12) + chi_db(5/9, dt-157e6*2*np.pi, dw, 5/18*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2278485512209e12) + chi_db(14/9, dt-423e6*2*np.pi, dw, 7/9*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2281881125209e12)

F2 = chi_db(2/9, dt-6765e6*2*np.pi, dw, 1/9*3.3029259999999997e-29,slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2344540713318e12) + chi_db(5/9, d-6834te6*2*np.pi, dw, 5/18*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.23452629333184e12) + chi_db(5/9, dt-6992e6*2*np.pi, dw, 5/18*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2349498859318e12)

F3 = chi_db(20/81, dt-1443e6*2*np.pi, dw, 10/81*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2320640089228e12) + chi_db(70/81, dt-1510e6*2*np.pi, dw, 35/81*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2320933819228e12) + chi_db(2, dt-1630e6*2*np.pi, dw, 1*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2321567819228e12)

F4 = chi_db(2/3, dt-4436e6*2*np.pi, dw, 1/3*3.3029259999999997e-29,slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2290576494837e12) + chi_db(70/81, dt-4478e6*2*np.pi, dw, 35/81*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, td, 2*np.pi*384.2291210494837e12) + chi_db(56/81, dt-4545e6*2*np.pi, dw, 28/81*3.3029259999999997e-29, slt, t,d 2*np.pi*384.2292416894837e12)


  • I would suggest three modifications: removing vectorize, adding an @njit annotation to integrand(), and using a closed form solution for your matrix problem.

    Let's start with removing these lines:

    chi_db = np.vectorize(chi_dop)

    You are not using these functions in a vectorized fashion, and even if you were, it would be better to use numba.vectorize rather than numpy.vectorize, as the latter is implemented using a Python loop.

    I benchmarked running the integrand() function, with and without this change.

    using np.vectorize
    35.4 µs ± 1.91 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)
    after removing np.vectorize
    6.62 µs ± 30.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

    Next, let's tell Numba to compile your integrand function as well. Add the @njit annotation to integrand().

    def integrand(v, r, dt, dw, dm, slt, td, tf):
        int = chi(r,dt-v/c*tf, dm, slt, td, tf) 
        return int* np.exp(-v**2 / (2 * dw**2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * dw)


    Previous result
    6.62 µs ± 30.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)
    After @njit
    2.18 µs ± 11.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

    Next, let's find a closed form for the solution of your matrix problem. I'm going to use SymPy, which can find an algebraic solution that we can re-use for many values. The final solution won't use SymPy.

    import sympy
    slt = sympy.Symbol('slt')
    r = sympy.Symbol('r')
    dt = sympy.Symbol('dt')
    td = sympy.Symbol('td')
    A = sympy.Matrix([[-1/slt, 1j*r, -1j*r], [-1j*r/2, 0, (1j*dt - 1/td)], [1j*r/2, (-1j*dt - 1/td), 0]])
    B = sympy.Matrix([0, -1j*r/2, 1j*r/2])
    x = A.solve(B)


    [(-0.5*dt*r*td**2 + 0.5*I*r*td)/(1.0*dt**2*td**2 + 1.0*r**2*slt*td + 1.0)]

    This is the algebraic value of x[2]. Directly calculating this will be faster than solving the matrix each time. To use this in Python, we must replace I, which represents an imaginary number, with 1j.

    New definition of chi(), using the solution SymPy found:

    def chi(r, dt, dm, slt, td, tf):
        x = (-0.5*dt*r*td**2 + 0.5*1j*r*td)/(1.0*dt**2*td**2 + 1.0*r**2*slt*td + 1.0)
        return (2*tf/c)* 2*dm**2*np.imag(x)/(hbar*r*ep)*1e14


    Matrix Solve
    2.18 µs ± 11.6 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)
    Closed Form
    671 ns ± 15.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)

    This is a 50x speedup overall.